Cumberland Valley Race Series
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Event Type
Hike Hike
Bike Bike
Run Run
Triathlon Triathlon
Festival Festival
Kids Kids
Color Run Color Run
Invoice Invoice
Music Music
BrewFest BrewFest
Meeting Meeting
Donaton Donation
Membership Membership
Volunteer Volunteer
Sponsor Sponsor
Course Style
Road Course Road
Cross Country Course Cross Country
Rail Trail Course Rail Trail
Track Track
Obstacle Course Obstacle Course
Trail Course Trail Course
Virtual Virtual
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Postponed Postponed
 Registration Limit Registration Limit
 USATF Certified Course USATF Certified
 Prize Money Prize Money
Course Map Course Map
Course Video Course Video
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Event Web Site Web Site
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Upcoming Timber Hill Timing Events - 18
17SAHS XC v Waynesboro v West Perry Location
22Five Forks Church Autumn Harvest 5kRegister Online Location
28Live, Laugh, Love 5k Location
29Jackie Lithgow Foundation 5kRegister Online Location
5Cumberland Valley TrailFestRegister Online Location
6Dash for Down Syndrome 5kRegister Online Location
1945th Annual SU Military Science 10k/5k Location
2Go Girls Go 5kRegister Online Location
28Shippensburg Turkey Trot 5kRegister Online Location
7Christmas Cash Dash BonanzaRegister Online Location
5Lavi a Bon 5k Run Location
12Heralds of Hope 5kRegister Online Location
26Johnston Run 5 Mile Run/Walk Location
3Shalom Christian Academy 5K Run Location
10Go Girls Go Spring 5k Location
17Water Wheel 5k Location
2016th Annual Solstice 10k & 5k Location
4Cumberland Valley TrailFest Location
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